Sample Sales From My Cubicle?

Oh dear bejezbus in heaven, here goes my paycheck even quicker.

My fashion hound friend has pointed me in the direction of online sample sales. Although nothing beats forking through racks of clothing (I'm in impulse shopper, I like to get my stuff the moment I purchase it. This explains why I never quite got into the craze, although, they do have a good selection of Tory Burch and dVf stuff...) The best that I have found so far? It's invite only, so find someone (like me!) that can refer you. Believe me, it's worth it. Look at the screenshot up there - do you see what I see? As in a James Perse sale coming up very very very soon. Look at that countdown ticker for when sales start and end. It's like I'm running a fashion marathon (which definitely makes up for my lack of gym-going). Oh paycheck, how quickly you leave my bank account.

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