"Intoxicate Me, I'm A Lush"

(image courtesy of: http://www.unitedmusic.ro)

The most recent Britney Spears video leaked onto the interwebs tonight (via ontd). I must say, while Radar was one of my favorites off of Ms. Spears's Blackout days, I feel horrendously bored with it (song and video) right now. Maybe after a few viewings it'll grow on me. Or maybe not. What's with the horse innuendos? It's a bit overboard. I still prefer the scandalous If U Seek Amy video, if you ask me.

On a happier note. Brit-Brit is looking just as stellar as she did in her pre-breakdown, pre-head shaving, Slave For You days. Girl's got her abs back. How does she make it seem so easy?


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