I recently found this video list of things that Paris Hilton likes and loves on Jezebel.com. Here at Pop Culture Paradox, we take our list making very seriously. Plus, Paris Hilton inspired us to do something other than have a few martinis, and that doesn't happen often. So, without futher adieu, here is the Pop Culture Paradox list of likes and loves.
VitaminWater10 (All the flavor, 1/5th of the calories!)
Facebook's "Living Social" top 5 lists (It's like my life is a neverending loop of 'High Fidelity')
Sailboats (And anything else that epitomizes New England)
Sharpie markers (No one can tell me that they're not useful)
Annie's Organic Mac & Cheese (Try the alfredo flavor in the green box! Yum!)
And just for fun, what do we hate here at Pop Culture Paradox?