
(image courtesy of: http://www.fcpsteach.org/)

W.O.D.: Lackadaisical - Lacking spirit or liveliness; showing lack of interest; languid; listless.
Example: M & P are never lackadaisical when it comes to the world of fashion, celebrity gossip and pop culture.

Q.O.D: "Part of the erosion of newspapers is about new media, but part of it is newspapers' own fault. I think the public has felt let down by The New York Times and others for not asking the tough questions, whether about the Iraq war or the subprime issue. The job of the fourth estate is to stand outside the vested interests and say, 'Wait a minute, this isn't viable.'" - Ben Affleck

(Quote courtesy of one of my new favorite blogs: Loaded Gun Boston - props to your fabulous blending of Hollywood and Boston!)


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