The Hills for The Win!

(photo courtesy of

While watching the worst show ever, I was happily surprised by the trailer for the next season of the best show ever. I nearly squealed at the sight of Lauren, Lo, Stephanie - and yes - even Spencer and Heidi on my television. I feel that I've watched Whitney Port's tired show so much that I forgot why I watch MTV reality television in the first place, and then they put me right back in my place by showing me this gem of a preview.

In college, P and I would rally up our friends and watch The Hills every week in the comfort of my dorm room (with the especially comfy futon that I kept for an extending time post-breakup with a guy). We'd tear into Ben & Jerry's ice cream, kettle corn and diet Coke with lemon as we gave our opinions on Spencer (looks like a gremlin, ew) and Audrina (why does it always look like she's reading a cue card?) and Lo (love her!).

While it won't quite be the same without P in the same country as I (tear!) I'm sure we'll dissect and tear apart every episode in front of you dear readers. Feel free to join in on the conversation!


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