I promise my takeout habits are not ruining the Earth. And if anything, I consider myself on a takeout diet. If you think the environment is hurting from my food orders now, then you should have seen me and P and our friends in college. Chinese food Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, Saturdays. McDonalds delivery (yes, there was a company that delivered delicious Big Macs and milkshakes to my dorm door!) on Tuesdays. Brunch leftovers in apparently Earth-unfriendly plastic to go containers on Sunday afternoons. Here and there we'd order in the occasional burrito from Amherst's favorite Mexican joint, or maybe pizza from the only place that it's really worth getting pizza from. That's write, Slate.com, I would eat take out almost every frickin day in college and I do not feel guilty about doing so. Oh, and did I mention the countless (sometimes 3x a day) Starbucks drinks in (GASP!) disposable cups that I'd drink? Tall. Grande. Venti. Hot. Cold. Iced. Canned. Whatever. Just call me Britney Spears.
The Earth's layers (and my tummy) love me and my takeout. They told me so. Forget lecturing me Slate.com. Now excuse me, where is my iPhone? I need to order some Thai for lunch...