
Happy Tuesday! The workweek is going unbelievably slow, isn't it? Good luck reading these articles to pass your time...

It was Thanksgiving last night in the land of Gossip Girl - which means turkey, surprise visits from Dads everywhere and Lily's anti-climatic secret. Check out the roundups here and here.

It wasn't a holiday on The Hills, but we all loved seeing Heidi get yelled at. Roundups here and here.

From across the ocean from P: check out the Kuwait fashion roundup!

Michael Jackson: in debt, just like us!

H.Dawg in D.C. Huzzah.

God love the Kennedys. <3.

On everyone's to-not-buy Christmas list...

Everyone's vice: plastic bags. The environment is just lucky they always break while walking back to my apartment, otherwise I'd still be hooked on them too.

Why did not a single president's daughter go to any of the private schools I attended? I'd love to attend one of the Obama's potluck dinners.

The Ritz is to New York as ____ is to Miami?

"His e-mail message was casual enough, but no one sends a note to an ex-girlfriend on Valentine’s Day unless he’s dissatisfied with his current relationship." -- isn't that the truth lady.


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