2008 Election = More Intense Than The 2008 MLB Playoffs

As I sit in my living room, I inhale in my Yankee Candle (Sweet Honeysuckle scent!) that fills my room and watch CNN -- as I have for the past few hours. I trust no other news source during the elections (god love Anderson Cooper). I did, indeed, go out and rock the vote this afternoon (after work, as my sleepy self just couldn't drag out of bed this morning before work). Barack Obama just took the electoral votes for Pennsylvania (huge for his campaign), and I kind of wish I could dig out my Obama shirt from my hamper -- forget the fact that I am currently home alone, it's the thought that counts.

In case anyone hasn't kept up with the election (tsk tsk), here's a roundup (complete with YouTube videos!). Consider it your Sparknotes version of this campaign that has lasted forever.


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