
Being halfway through the week feels oh so good. Also so good? More news to fill my mind.

TABLOID COVER WEDNESDAY. WOOHOO. My favorite day of the week.

For those who missed it and weren't there with me, shame on you.

See! I'm not the only one eating only mac & cheese lately!

Sigh. Maybe one day my name will be on this list. Hey, a girl can dream.

This country is so effed up.

Wow, Palin, you must have so much spare time in your igloo to read all magazines and newspapers, huh? Clearly all that intellectual reading made you believe that you could actually be a conservative feminist. Oh dear.

Spencer. Sucks. Newsflash in case you missed The Hills!

See, one night without cable and I miss shows like this.

Oneeee more Gossip Girl roundup for the week.


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