Daria on DVD!

(photo courtesy of http://www.ioffer.com)

I don't know about anyone else, but I think it might be safe to say that Daria was the best show on MTV of all time. Period. The end. Yes, better than The Real World. Better than Made. Even better than TRL - and we know how much I love me some Justin Timberlake and *NSync.

Created in 1997, I was a mere 12 years old when Daria debuted. It defined my preteen and middle school years. I wanted to be witty and sarcastic like Daria Morgendorffer, have a crush on a bad boy like Trent and ditzily girly like Quinn Morgendorffer all at once. The show as a whole stayed in tune with 1990s and early 2000s pop culture and, as a whole, was somehow deep for a cartoon.

When the show ended in 2001/2002, I was in high school and my attention changed to other teenage geared shows. Still, Daria holds a special place in my television memory. Memories that can now be reignited in my mid-twenties with murmurs this week of Daria finally - finally - coming to DVD. It's so exciting I can hardly stand it. Now if I can only dig out my Daria-style wardrobe of Doc Martens and green blazers.

Or, rather. Okay. Some things can stay in the 1990s.


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