Back To School

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Back to school and first day of classes status messages fill Facebook newsfeed today. While it’s a bit early for classes to start up already (law school students, I’m looking at you), seeing students gear up for back to school makes me a bit nostalgic. School shopping was comparable to Christmas in my student days. When I was eight, I took great care in choosing the perfect Trapper Keeper (my favorite was purple dolphin print) and Lisa Frank folders, pencils and pens. To this day, I’m unsure why I found myself so keen on school supplies, but find myself longing for a need to buy them. Since I don’t have any reason – and multitudes of unused notebooks piled around my room from high school and college – I give my suggested back to school product list. Read, buy and indulge. Everyone might as well have a few nice notebooks to get through those boring lecture hall presentations.

Moleskine: My new favorite notebook company. Their notebooks look classic with black leather covers and crisp lined paper. With an assortment of address books, sketch pads and even city guides (there’s one for Boston!) even non-students can buy and enjoy.

Jordi Labanda: I found Jordi Labanda notebooks first in Barcelona at a find-it-all department store called El Corte Ingles. almost six years ago. Since then, I happily found his notebooks and pens in every specialty stationary store (and even at the UMass Amherst campus bookstore!). Fun and animated covers scream fashionista with colorful cubed (not lined) paper. Confession: I’ve kept every single one of these notebooks that I’ve filled up, just because they’re too pretty to toss.

Sharpies: Everyone’s favorite marker. Non-economical (I know they bleed through pages of paper), but there’s something about writing in a fine-tip Sharpie that makes even the messiest of handwriting look artsy. I prefer to buy a bulk pack, the tips dry out fast with a lot of use.


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